The 5 skills that ensure women are successful in the world of franchising

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The 5 skills that ensure women are successful in the world of franchising

The world is in a transitional phase where gender and age are no longer a taboo. Research is a testimony to the fact that nearly 43 % of women in The United States leave their jobs on a voluntary basis to take care of their kids or an extended family. No way denying the fact that women have a huge role as far as taking care of their families is concerned. Nearly 30% of the franchises in the modern world have women as their bosses. But the figures do not include women franchise owners who have a partnership with their partners where a man runs the show. By a franchise model a women has a scope to earn extra income while maintaining a flexible work schedule. A woman has a lot of things to provide a franchise. In fact some of the abilities and skills that come to the fore include Focus on attention to details A general mind- set of a woman is to pay close attention to details. Most women are known to take stock of the finances in the household and can get to the closer details of every situation. During the course of franchising observation of quality standards is important and you have to evaluate the entire picture like for example dealing with customer complaints.

Listening skills As compared to men women are better listeners. In fact one of the fact that emerges is most women often end up complaining that their male counterparts often end up interrupting their conversation even before they end up making a statement. One of the essential skills is listening more so when you have to deal with a small team or even giving consideration to the complaints of customer. Collaboration By nature women tend to be collaborative and they are going to work in a better way with the franchise or be it other type of franchises to find a solution to their problem. Multi – tasking The nature of women itself is multi – tasking as they are known to juggle their daily, professional and household work together. In fact such quality becomes handy once you are dealing with a small team consisting of customer service along with financial management. Organizational skills In a lot of ways it is similar to multi- tasking but a core competency needed to excel in the world of franchising. Women are more adept in managing the finances of a franchise and ensure that they use money for proper results of the franchise. To conclude for all those women who have left their job but looking for a new career in terms of money then franchising is the best option. Finally once you own a franchise there are various advantages for your benefit. It ensures that you happen to be your own boss and there is no need to be seeking permission from anyone above you. In a way you happen to be in control of things.


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